Saturday, 10 December 2011


Two of the things I have done ever since I've left L.
I am with S. now.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Showtime ------ is over. Hence, we suggest: Shopping

If you would like to purchase a copy of THE SHAPE OF SPRING (Chippo Edition Extra), do not hesitate to get in contact! A prestamped copy is £9 and a b/w one incl. a stamp kit £8. To clients overseas we deliver prestamped editions for 12,99 Euro inc. postage.

Original text to this post: If you happen to hang around South-East London this week come and pay a visit to the End of Year Show at Camberwell College on Peckham Road.

Saturday, 18 June 2011


The Society of Success sponsored the first edition of the Library of Classification, Organisation & Standardisation of Subjects and Objects. We stay true to our leading theme In the future the system must be first (as formulated most appropiately by our hero Frederick W. Taylor) and are most proud to have participated in the creation of such an important enterprise.

Society of Success II: The People behind

Please give a warm applause to the Members of the Society of Success: High Potentials, Enablers, High Performers etc. - people with outstanding leadership qualities, super trustworthy certificates and a permanent passion-for-my-job overkill; in other words: prototypes of the future.

Friday, 17 June 2011

New Diamond Collection

Eine Bröschüre in großer Auflage. Derzeit noch erhältlich. Olé

Total Target -- Society of Success I

As we promised, here a bit more information about the New Society,
the Society of Success: The Society of Success is a qualified institute internationally renowned for its approval, appraisal and promotion of success. We deliver high-quality success consulting, canvassing and anlysis as well as success measurement. We pride ourselves with being the leading global institution in the field of success advancement and human optimisation. For the full report on the Society's misson and service please refer to our image brochure Total Target Success.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Praise and Glory

Ich habe eine Mitgliedschaft gewonnen! Bei der International Society of Typographic Designers. "The Shape of Spring" hat ihnen gefallen. Zur Feier des Tages hier zwei Gedichte zum Auswendiglernen.
I've won a membership! Of a typographers club whose abbreviation is ISTD. They liked my book on hyperreal poetry and said: A stunning body of work – we would buy this book immediately. Lovely, init?

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Frohe Ocktern

(Happy Easter) (by our new manager)

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Welcome to Hyperreality

This book has been made possible by shop window displays and advertisements published in magazines that were available to the editor in February and March 2011. They have become the modules for a very modern kind of poetry: the poetry of the hyperreal. (Hyperreal as defined by my old apocalyptic friend Jean Baudrillard)

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Just so you know, everything went well. Except for Stella, perhaps, she looked a bit worried when we were watching her film. I have only started worrying now, after checking the agenda. So many things to do and so many fears to overcome.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Pferde für alle

(Horses for everybody)

Unser Ponyhof hat jetzt eine ganz eigene Redaktion, eine richtige mit CvDs, Reportern und Anzeigenabteilung. Hochpreissegment, Pferdemädchen und Kunststudenten werden ab jetzt monatlich mit folgenden Publikationen bedacht:
An editorial team joined our pony farm! A real one with editors-in-chief, reporters and advertisement department. From now on, three different target audiences (well off horse owners, teenage pony fans and art students) can look foward to a monthly issue of one of the below publications.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011